When you pray the Prayer of Faith, you don’t go back to God to ask Him the same thing that you asked Him for.  The Prayer of Faith is always in the NOW. When you pray the Prayer of Faith about something, you are not saying that it’s ‘about to happen’; in other words, you’re not going to keep praying until it happens. You just pray it one time and believe that your one prayer has settled everything.

Mixing the Prayer of Faith with the Prayer of Thanksgiving

When you pray the Prayer of Faith, you must believe at that time that it’s settled.

With the Prayer of Faith, you don’t continue to ask God again and again for that thing you’re asking for, because you already asked Him for it and now you’re thanking Him for it. This is how you mix the Prayer of Faith with the Prayer of Thanksgiving.

After I’ve asked God for my blessing (healing/increase/restoration etc.), I use the power of the Prayer of Thanksgiving to come into the power of my Prayer of Faith. I don’t go back to God and ask Him again. Instead, I go back to the Lord and say, “Lord, it’s already done. I thank you, I put you in remembrance of your word, I thank you because you ‘ve already done it. When I asked you that first time that I prayed the Prayer of Faith, it was already done.

Mix the Prayer of Thanksgiving with the Prayer of Faith and begin to thank God for the thing you’re asking Him for. I guarantee, the Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Prayer of Faith will change your situation.